Houston mailing address:
P.O. Box 710108
Houston, TX 77271-0108
Port Arthur Address:
601 A W. Rev. Dr. Ransom Howard Street
Port Arthur, TX 77640
+1 (832) 363-8195
~ 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
Our Mission Statement
Shine On Humanity serves to draw people and resources together to help rebuild, restore and revitalize global communities affected by natural disasters; by which will also create a surge of nobleness of good will, community perseverance and hope. We work with organizations and businesses along with the help of our donors and volunteers to provide aid during and after natural disasters.
About Us
Natural disasters have no racial, cultural or geographical discriminations. They can hit anywhere, anytime and affect anyone it so desires. As the devastation develops and finds its target, the initial impact is chaotic and many times deadly. Help comes immediately to offer assistance to those in immediate danger. Thank you to all of the first responders and the first wave of organizations that roll up their sleeves and dig in to help those in need.
Once the disaster has left its mark and help subsides, Shine On Humanity picks up where others must move on to the next disaster.
Shine On Humanity is the beacon of hope for those who fell through the cracks, were taken advantage of, occurred illnesses before, during or after the disaster and could not help themselves, or were just too overwhelmed with the process of losing everything and having to start over.
Out of all this tragedy and adversity, Shine On Humanity was formed as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to be a permanent beacon of hope providing perpetual worldwide assistance.
SOH Commitments
SOH Services
CLICK HERE for 2019 IRS Determination Letter (Internal Revenue Service letter determining the tax exempt status of Shine On Humanity.)