Houston mailing address:

P.O. Box 710108

Houston, TX 77271-0108

Port Arthur Address:

601 A W. Rev. Dr. Ransom Howard Street

Port Arthur, TX 77640

+1 (832) 363-8195


~ 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

Our Partners

While remaining a separate and distinct entity with our own goals and agenda we will at times establish temporary partnerships. These partnerships will allow us to serve the community on a larger and more diverse scale. Our partnerships will include the following:

❖ Major corporations with projects or sponsorships that align with our goals.
❖ Other charitable institutions during a crisis or special needs campaigns.
❖ Local, state or federal agencies with community redevelopment designs.
❖ Approved environmental groups/agencies on green projects.
❖ Private individuals or entities desiring to give back to the community.


Please Consider Becoming A Partner

If you feel that Shine On Humanity is an organization that can use your help as a Partner, please fill out this form so that we may connect with you and see how we both may serve our fellow mankind.